FJCC Book Club

The Book Club meets every six weeks on Mondays at 7PM to discuss a book they have read. The books are chosen by the members and have a connection to Jewish life. The meetings are informal and open to anyone who is interested in joining. Occasionally JBC authors are invited to speak to the group and talk about their book that we have read. Precovid we have met in the synagogue social hall and enjoyed snacks during the meeting. This year all meetings have been on Zoom. The next two books are The Bridal Chair by Gloria Goldreich on January 11 and a Zoom visit by the author John Mitchell Kaplan on February 22 to discuss his new novel, Into the Unbound Night.

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Passcode: bookclub

Meet the Author: Mitchell James Kaplan

Join us for an exciting “meet the author” event with Mitchell James Kaplan.  Into the Unbounded Night is set in first century Rome after the destruction of the 2nd Temple. Fantasy, angels and real life. Emperor Vaspasian and the emergence of Rabbinical Judaism intertwine in unexpected ways. associated costs: event is free, suggested donation is $18, book is $16.95.

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