Our Rabbi

Born and raised in New York City, Rabbi Eric Cohen attended Ramaz Yeshiva Day School, the University of Pennsylvania, and then Yale University, where he received a Ph.D. in ancient Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. Following graduate school, Rabbi Cohen switched fields and worked as a pharmaceutical market research consultant. During this time, he also served as President of the Park Slope Jewish Center, an egalitarian Conservative synagogue in Brooklyn, NY. After 14 years in the pharmaceutical industry, Rabbi Cohen decided to take a leave and attended the Pardes Institute in Jerusalem. It was there that he decided to become a rabbi. He enrolled in Hebrew College Rabbinical School, and received Smicha in 2012. Rabbi Cohen spent 5 years as a congregation rabbi in Manchester, NH, and also taught at the Rashi School in Dedham, MA (a Reform Jewish Day School). Rabbi Cohen has been active in creating inclusive spaces for LGBTQ Jews, exploring innovative davvening experiences, and collaborating with his interfaith clergy colleagues on social justice issues.