Movie Club

On Tuesday, July 18th at 7:00 pm, we will gather on Zoom to discuss the movie “Itzach.”  Watch the film on your own and join us online for a group discussion where everyone gets to share their opinions.

The film looks beyond the 16-time Grammy-winning musician to see the polio survivor whose parents emigrated from Poland to Israel, and the young man who struggled to be taken seriously as a music student when schools saw only his disability. In the film, Perlman’s life story unfolds through conversations with fellow musicians and friends, including Billy Joel, Alan Alda, pianist Martha Argerich, cellist Mischa Maisky, and his wife of 50 years, Toby. The Perlmans dedicate their lives to their large Jewish family in New York City, shared love for music and continual support of young musicians. Itzhak is a portrait of musical virtuosity that explores themes of Jewish identity, Jewish history, humor and love.


Jul 18 2023


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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